Bio-Compatibility Program

Bio-Compatibility Program

Bio-compatibility is one of the most popular programs undertaken at Peak Natural Health and is the result of 30 years of research and development. A small sample of hair is taken and sent to a specialised centre where over 500 different foods and household items are identified as either compatible or incompatible with your body.   (Saliva is used if hair is not available) Patients with allergy type symptoms, gut disturbances and skin issues are those that receive some of the best outcomes from using this wellness program.

  • Bio-Compatibility identifies the influence (either positive or negative) that each of a wide range of foods and products has on the delivery and storage systems in each cell. 
  • If a food/product is biologically incompatible, the cells cannot function optimally. This may lead to an immune response, inflammation, and ultimately reactive symptoms. With this program we are able to determine which foods and products should be avoided and which should be consumed/used to feed your body with the correct nutrition it needs to repair and maintain good health, providing a useful roadmap for directing your wellness plan.
  • The standard Australian program* covers a list of almost 600 standard products including all food groups, bathroom, laundry, and kitchen products. This includes common local brands found in supermarkets and health food stores. Each item is assessed in the form it is usually consumed (both raw and cooked where applicable).
  •  The basis for the programme is simple: nurturing the body correctly by avoiding foods and products that are ‘incompatible’ with you as an individual. 

    It is simple and easy and suitable for adults and children. In conjunction with a Naturopathic consult the results speak for themselves


Specialty Bio-Compatibility Programs

Specific – additional assessments for your unique needs can be arranged.  The most common requests tend to be for compatibility with medications and pets. A small sample in a labelled ziplock bag is all that is needed.

Australian Baby – great for bubs who may, for example, have troublesome rashes etc

Pets – many owners wish to get to the bottom of their pet’s ailments, arthritis, skin issues to name but a few.  Testing your pet’s bio-compatibility is a great way to care for them.